you are being called to return to the fullness of your feminine power.

Let us begin.

(read my testimonials)

“It felt like something hidden inside me got reawakened.”

- Joanna, Berlin DEU

Dec 12 & 13

"My body now feels a safety I never knew it could."

- G

They say it’s ‘life changing’*

(*Yep, read my testimonials)

"I'm so in love with myself now!"

- Lara, Sydney, AUS

“This women-only pop-up strip show is what all our feminine divine dreams are made of”

"You opened a part of me that I had completely abandoned"

- Pia, Sydney, AUS


"I released so many decades of tension, stress and pain... it’s healed my relationship with me."

- S.K., California USA

They tell you to love yourself… but not too much!

A woman is allowed to be beautiful, intelligent, talented, witty, etc… but she’s not supposed to believe it and she’s certainly not supposed to own it! She’s taught to dial herself down and think less of herself. It’s even been written into songs: “you don’t know you’re beautiful, that’s what makes you beautiful.”

She is not supposed to be “full of herself”… and so we empty ourselves.

I call bullshit.

This world aches desperately for more women who OWN their power. Women who are filled up and turned on. Women who feel safe, sexy and sovereign in their blessed bodies.

Let’s get to work putting you back in your rightful place on the throne… for the good of this world.

“Caitlin is a powerful transmission, a force to be reckoned with, that the world is begging for and that I’ve been waiting for.”

- Jess, Sydney, AUS

Work With Me

I run group events and courses both online and in Australia (soon to go global).

I have a very limited number of spaces for exclusive mentorships.

"Working with you 1:1 was honestly the best decision I've made and the greatest investment in myself,"

- D, Thailand

What could this world be if women felt safe enough to own their power?

“I would pay 3x what I paid for that course because the medicine is for lifetimes!”

- Achal, Syd AUS

Hello, beautiful!

I’m Caitlin - feminine activator, permission grantor, sensual and erotic dance facilitator, and birthkeeper.

I’m here to return trust and reverence to the female body and The Feminine.

After training as a birth doula, Spirit called me to become a stripper. (Unexpected, right?!) Apparently strippers 'had access to something' I didn't. This was my most potent initiation yet; it opened my eyes to the shame that shrouds the female body and feminine expression, especially our reproductive systems - the organs we use to grow and nurture new life.

Today, I help women unravel their conditioning, release shame and reconcile with the pieces of themselves they’ve left behind so they can feel safe, sexy and sovereign in their bodies. I am here to return you to your truth and power as a woman: your eroticism, your vulnerability and your womb; your full, unbridled, unapologetic expression.

I also support families through the sacred initiation of pregnancy and birth.

"Working with Caitlin was like remembering a part of myself I had forgotten"

- Jade, Gold Coast, AUS

I’m here to help you fall head-over-heels in love with yourself and to trust and honour your glorious self, completely.

"It really is a permission I did not know I was seeking. You have ignited a power and a courage within me”

- Kirsty, Sydney, AUS

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