7 out of 10 grads say it’s life changing.







Erotic dancer, permission grantor, feminine awakener and birthkeeper
Caitlin Erica presents:

The signature 8 week course is relaunching in 2025 as an unforgettable 6 night retreat to strip away sensual shame and unlock your feminine power.






70% of graduates say it’s life changing.

This will be my final season running this 8 week program in Sydney before I move up north.

“If you had told me 7 weeks ago I would feel so safe and empowered not only dancing like this but being witnessed in it and sharing it I would not have believed it.

— Neus

Strip Her is a safe space dedicated to the delicate unfurling of your goddess-given sensuality. A soul-quaking journey with full-hearted women to remind you who you really are.

Beautiful woman, you are invited to give yourself the gift of permission; permission to feel really good in your body. There is a special kind of magic that happens when a woman rolls her hips; and a healing that occurs when we allow ourselves to be seen and celebrated by other women.

Together, as a small group of glorious and tender women, we will give ourselves permission to sink into our sensual nature and celebrate our womanhood. As we come into union with our bodies, we’ll gently untangle our true selves from our conditioning; delicately peeling back layers to take back that which has been shamed: our sensuality; our innocent enjoyment of ourselves; our freedom.

Admit it. You want to feel sexy.

Most of us have not been taught to feel safe in our sexiness; we’ve been taught it’s dangerous or somehow wrong and so we tell ourselves we’re ‘not that kind of woman’…

We shave down our edges and squeeze ourselves into a smaller life, setting our dials to make everyone else feel comfortable.

Maybe you laugh off any idea that you could possibly be seen as ‘sexy’; afraid that if you dress up too much, other women will think “who does she think she is?!”. Maybe you don’t allow yourself to dress too sexy or be too charming anymore because you’re in a committed relationship and you shouldn’t be ‘asking for attention’. Maybe you’re afraid of your sexuality and you don’t tell your partner what you really want because you’re worried you’ll be ‘too much’.

Maybe you haven’t allowed yourself to take that dance class because you’re worried it’ll only make you more neurotic about your body.

Maybe you keep making excuses not to do all the things that spark your curiosity and now you don’t have an outlet for the fire that burns within you.

 Maybe you’ve denied that fire for so long, you wonder if you even have it anymore, asking yourself “Is this it?

But then… Something stirs within you when you see a woman who owns that part of herself.

Your eyes widen and you think to yourself “I want that!”

You want to walk down the street with a quiet air of ‘fuck yeah!’, oozing that ‘je ne sais quoi’. You want to feel so damn good in your skin, you dance around the house and even in the streets. To dress up and wear whatever you want, whenever you want simply because it feeeeeels gooooood for you! You want to be adored. To prance around in sexy lingerie, seducing yourself in the mirror on a Tuesday night just because you’re feeling sexy and fun and why the hell not?! To have deeply connected, passionate and erotic sex with your partner because you’ve got the confidence to ask for what you want and dance with your desires. To be connected to heart-felt women who celebrate you when you take up space. To do what you want without the constant fear that you’ll be judged for it.

But I get it, sometimes it’s easier to pretend you don’t want it.

I told myself I wasn’t that kind of girl.

I judged other women for being ‘full of themselves’ while I emptied myself. I suppressed the parts of myself I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to be until I became a ghost of myself: awake but not really alive.

I developed social anxiety - I didn’t want anyone to see me because I felt like a dead weight. I had nothing to give - no bounce, no vitality. I was a zombie.

For me, it was relationships - that’s where I’d lose myself, trying to be something for someone else, afraid to have any wants and needs of my own; afraid to be ‘too much’. I was the ‘cool girlfriend’, happy to ‘go with the flow’ and not make demands. I was gentle and empathetic and I didn’t do confrontation, arguments or aggression.


“Go to a Strip Club” Spirit told me.


A few years ago, while I was dancing in my boyfriend’s bedroom, Spirit came to me and told me to go to a strip club. I laughed it off at first, but it insisted:

“The women there have access to something you don’t. They are your next teachers.”


I had been dancing on my own for about an hour when my boyfriend came in, saw that I was dancing and asked if he could stay to watch. I said ‘sure’ and went back to dancing, but it was different. My presence had shot out of my body and into my head and suddenly I was hyper aware that I was being watched. I wondered how I was being perceived. Did I look ok? I got shy.


That’s when Spirit piped up. “Go to a strip club.”


And when Spirit calls, you answer.

I was nervous, of course, but there was also a distinct flavour of quiet excitement dancing on my tongue.


It took me a couple of weeks to build the courage to actually go to a strip club. The idea of being seen in my sensuality - of owning it - terrified me as much as it excited me.

I realised that in years gone by, I would always look down whilst dancing. Whenever I felt eyes on me, I’d avoid making eye contact. I believed if I made eye contact and ‘knew’ I was being watched, I’d no longer be dancing for myself, I’d be performing and that would mean I thought I was good… and we’re not supposed to think we’re too good! We’re not supposed to think we’re too good at anything - not too pretty, not too intelligent, not too talented - not too much!


It was time to put that belief to bed.


When I finally went into a strip club to enquire about a job, my eyes widened as I looked at all the beautiful women strutting around, dolled up in their lingerie, oozing confidence.


“That could be me?!” I thought.


I told the woman during my interview “I’ve never done anything like this, I don’t have any experience, but… I’m curious.”


I’ll never forget the knowing look she gave me. I swear she saw into my soul.


She looked at me as if to say “Of course you are curious!”


I realised, in that moment, I was in a room full of women who had the courage to follow their curiosity. I felt like I had entered some kind of secret club.


It took me another week to actually accept the job. I trembled on my first night but when it was my turn on the stage - I did it! I set myself free!


I learned so much about myself and society whilst stripping. I realised how much shame is stored in the female body and how much magic is trapped underneath it, just aching to get out.

I stripped back all of my conditioning until I was left with myself; my adorable, powerful self.

I was right, I wasn’t that kind of girl… I am that kind of woman.

And I believe you are too… if you’ll only allow yourself to be.

So, upon a foundation of radical compassion and sacred celebration, I’d like to teach you to strip.

This is your moment, glorious woman. This is the space for you to be praised by other women. To be liberated.

“I feel connected to myself, in a completely accepting and beautiful way for the first time. … I have a completely new outlook and real understanding of my inner power and magic of being a woman.”

— Leslie

Strip Her feels like a sacred homecoming back to my body, sexuality, sensuality and sisterhood.”

— Tegan

This is for you if you’re hungry to…

  • Unleash your inner vixen and unlock your power of allurement as you learn the art of intuitive sensual and erotic dance and the secret of a good striptease. You don’t need any experience in following choreography - you will be guided to unlock your own intuitive expression. If you can move, you can dance - believe me!

  • Awaken and reclaim the parts of your wild feminine nature that have been left behind, rejected and feared. Give yourself full permission to be all that you are.

  • Permit yourself to become that unapologetic and unstoppable woman; turned on by yourself and your life as you let go of doubt, shame and giving a flying f*ck what anyone else thinks.

  • Return to sisterhood and connect with a pack of high-vibe women who are dedicated to their empowerment, passion and pleasure. Let go of competition, heal your sister-wounds and discover what happens when powerful women support each other.

  • Upgrade your sex life as you deepen your connection to your body, create harmony in your erotic expression and allow yourself to be turned on by your sexy-AF-self. (And no, you don’t need a partner to reap the rewards of an improved sex life!)

You don’t need any dance experience or rhythm.

Your ‘not enough-ness’ and your ‘too much-ness’ are welcome here. Your messiness, your fear, your self-doubt, your self-confidence, your boldness, your wildness… all of you is welcome.

Let me be clear: if you are a woman, you are sexy. End of story. Cis or trans; cellulite, stretch marks, flat-chested, perky or low hanging breasts, flat booty, amputee, pear shaped, apple shaped, pretzel shaped - we love ALL of you!


You’re about to find out just how captivating you are and how incredible it is to be celebrated by other women.


All women are welcome here. Being born with a womb is not a prerequisite.

This is an intimate group, spaces are strictly limited.

What You Get

In-Person Program:

  • 7 x live 2 hour classes with an intimate group of women;

  • 1 x 3 hour photoshoot to immortalise your sensual fire;

  • Access to a private virtual group where you’ll receive regular homeplay missions to stay connected & engaged between workshops;

  • Tools, practices and rituals to keep



Earlybird $2,500

Regular $2,700

Personalised payment plans available.

Online Program:

  • 8 x live 2 hour classes with an intimate group of women;

  • Access to a private virtual group where you’ll receive regular homeplay missions to stay connected & engaged between workshops;

  • Tools, practices and rituals to keep


Earlybird $1,300

Regular $1,500

Personalised payment plans available.

Choose Your Location


Tuesdays, 6:30pm - 8:30pm AEST (Sydney time)

June 18, 25,
July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
August 6

Online via Zoom


Mondays, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

June 17, 24 
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Aug 5

Studio Newtown
1/502 King St, Newtown NSW 2042


Thursdays, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

June 20, 27
July 4, 11, 18, 25
Aug 1, 8

The Pole Space
275 Bronte Rd, Waverley NSW 2024


Fridays, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

June 14, 21
July 5, 12, 19
August 2, 3*, 9
*Saturday August 3, 4-7pm

HUM Studio
23/673 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why NSW 2099

It’s ok if you’re terrified. That’s where the magic is. This work is meant to expand your comfort zone. You are enough and you are welcome. Please don’t hesitate to book a call with me to talk through any questions or concerns.

I’m here for you. I built this course for you!

If you’re not loving what you see every time you pass by a mirror, something is out of alignment. Being seduced by the image in the mirror is your birthright.

“Working with Caitlin was like remembering a part of myself I had forgotten. … I really needed that! I didn’t know how much I needed that.”

— Jade


“Strip Her with Caitlin was absolutely life changing. I've done a lot of self-development, embodiment and sexuality work, and studied with some renowned and influential teachers so I don't say "life changing" lightly. Caitlin is 100% the real deal. She has fully embodied what she teaches and as a result her transmission is incredibly powerful. 

I first signed up for Strip Her because I wanted to feel sexy again. I'd had a really tough year filled with heartbreak, burnout, and grief. I felt that my sexual energy had gone cold and I wanted to awaken it again. From the first session, I was shocked at how quickly the group was able to drop in. Women that had never done this sort of work before went deep, but in a way that felt safe and deeply held at the same time. After that first night, I woke up the next morning feeling like the world was new and shiny and I felt excitement and enthusiasm for life again. I still get tears in my eyes remembering it. 

It only took 2 weeks to get my sexy back. And that's when the real work began. Strip Her gave me the missing pieces to claim my power and really learn to see myself in a new way. It was very much about activating Queen energy.  The journey was deeply powerful, and also soft, feminine, and loving. Caitlin made us all feel so safe, loved, and deeply accepted. I felt really seen by her and the other women in the course. It was an incredibly healing experience. I'm so grateful to Caitlin for everything she taught, shared, and embodied for us. I know my life is only going to get better from now on and I have Strip Her to thank for that. 

If you feel at all drawn to this work, take the leap and DO IT!!!! You will not regret it. Caitlin is the real deal and the journey will give your exactly what you need... More than you knew you needed ❤😊

— Gina

“Caitlin it really is a life changing journey. What you’ve created is so beautiful, it should be for every woman out there! I want all my friends and my daughters to go through your guidance. I can’t explain the transition or replicate it. …

Reading the [testimonials] of the other women reminded me how I felt before taking the leap. I wanted [what they got] too, I didn’t know if it would be possible, but I wanted to give myself the chance to try. I felt too old, too shy, too busy, too scared, not sexy enough, not brave enough, not even able bodied enough due to some minor health complaints. I feared not fitting in, not being able to dance or follow instructions. I gave myself ALL the excuses, but I dared to hope I could regain some of the confidence I had, and even find some more after reading such beautiful feedback.

I’d seen for myself one of the previous [Strip Her graduates] at a party. I was drawn to this vibrant woman and asked her what her secret was. She told me “Strip Her, it’s a life changing experience with a queen of a woman who unlocks what’s already there”. (The way Caitlin put it was that “her privilege is to clean the mirror of the looking glass allowing us to see what we have.”) I kept looking at the course, I was afraid. It was a big investment, but self-improvement is an investment, and it was cheaper than the therapists I’d been seeing.

My 20th wedding anniversary was approaching and something my partner had always asked for was a strip tease. I had never been able to do that. I didn’t believe I was that sexy or coordinated. I’d tried dance classes before to try to put a routine together, but I’d not been able to pick up any moves and had finished with less confidence than when I’d started. I tried Burlesque class but that didn’t unlock anything in me. I decided it was worth a try. I really wanted to feel better about my body and maybe even be able to strip for my partner.

The course goes deep and rightly so, there is a lot to unpack, patriarchy, society, self-doubt, and past trauma. Every negative thing you’ve ever heard, read and told yourself. Some weeks I left the class broken, like when you go up in weights at the gym and no longer have use of the muscles, but just like those muscle fibres need to be torn to come back stronger I needed to unpack and examine why I held that negativity about my body.

Each week I grew in confidence, and I started to feel in my body. By week five I was stripping for myself at home in front the mirror and couldn’t hold off any longer, my body demanded an audience to witness and appreciate all of me. I brought my partner into the room and stripped for him as if I‘d been doing it every night. 

Caitlin is a goddess whose magic is unlocking the goddess in you. Caitlin’s course has already done so much to change my life but it’s only the beginning of a new chapter. I feel more confident dancing. I am having better sex asking for what I want and feeling more in my body. I am encouraging the women in my life to love themselves in the way Caitlin taught me too.

Thank You”

— Talie

“I've never signed up for anything quicker, because some deep part inside me knew that Strip Her was exactly what I needed and was going to change my life. And girl was I right...

From the very first session, I had this overwhelmingly warm feeling of rightness and home. I felt like Strip Her was made for me. Everything I was seeking, I found - meeting my edges of being seen, coming face to face with my shame, wrapping myself in love and healing my sisterhood wounds. I went home every night thinking, "I can't believe I just did that...and felt so safe." I didn't recognise myself, as a woman becoming sensual and confident and powerful, and that was such an exciting feeling. I feel like a new woman. And Caitlin, wow... how can I even put into words what a gift Caitlin is to womankind. Her realness, her gentleness, her wisdom, how she walks (or dances) her talk, her raw vulnerability and messy humanness and queendom power that she inspired us all with. From the first instant we met, I felt like we'd known each other forever. And the same with the other 7 women in Strip Her, because I've never felt safer or more held in my life (and that's a testament to the loving energy Caitlin infused into the space). I felt like Caitlin was our mama tiger and we were her cubs - she protected us and showed us how to roar, how to take up space, how to feel good. For any woman craving to meet and embrace more of herself, this is for you. Trust me. This is for you.

— Georgia

“I have no words to describe how liberating, empowering and magical these last 7 weeks with Caitlin Erica have been… If you had told me 7 weeks ago I would feel so safe and empowered not only dancing like this but being witnessed in it and sharing it I would not have believed it. Caitlin Erica has held the safest, most empowering and permission-giving space for me to be and bring all of me. We have been vulnerable, and shared from the heart and healed each other deeply. I’ve expressed parts of me that haven’t felt safe to share for a really long time and that has been incredible. All the girls in the group have been amazing. Witnessing them unravel, show up and crack open, light up and expand in the most beautiful way has been a gift and the biggest inspiration. They have also been the biggest cheerleaders and lifted each other up. I love you all to bits! … It has been a homecoming, a rediscovering, reconnecting to self, to your power, to full expression in full safety and support. Caitlin has held the most sacred and safe space a woman could ask for, to be held, celebrated, expressed, worshipped and expanded beyond the visible edges. Just the right amount to stretch your comfort zone and learn where your boundaries are. It has been magical. If you feel the pull, follow it and do it. You deserve this gift, you will be glad you did it. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️”

— Neus

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU all! For holding sacred space, not only tonight but every Wednesday night the last 7 weeks. What an insane, beautiful, raw, emotional, sensual, intimate evolvement and journey this has been - and it’s the tip of the wild iceberg ♡🌹
I am not the same person I was before - and yet I am, all at the same time… I’m just arriving in it now xxx”

— Sarah

I have felt so amazing since Strip Her, this has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. It gave me such confidence in my body. I can’t believe how much can change in 7weeks.

Prior to Strip Her, I felt awkward and shy to express myself as a woman and to feel sexy. For the last 6 months I really felt as though I wasn’t in my body, or stepping into my feminine power… but really didn’t have a clue on what to do or how to fix this. I was referred to Strip Her by one of my good friends who has been such an inspiration in my life, so I immediately knew this course would be exceptional. It exceeded my expectations. Over the 7 weeks, I really saw a shift in myself, particularly in my body confidence. Within about 3 weeks, my awkwardness and shyness around feeling sexy dramatically changed and I felt empowered in my body. I released a lot of shame and embarrassment that I did not even realise I was holding onto.

I truly believe this is an experience that all woman should have, to tap into the power we all have within us. It really is life changing.

Thank you Caitlin for creating such a safe space of beautiful and inspiring women. Lifelong friendships and memories were made. You are so incredible and I am so inspired by your way of empowering women to step into themselves. 🧡”

— Katelin

This medicine’s really strong. I’m experiencing massive shifts from this container and I haven’t, like, for a while… I’ve been in many, many containers but I haven’t… I mean, I think I knew when I said ‘yes’ how potent it was going to be because my body was really, really ready for it but I feel like the piece with the motherhood and sexual liberation and reclaiming sex after birth and after body has been belonging with baby is really fucking strong! It’s really strong. 

I don’t even think calling it a course or a program does it justice. It’s an initiation.

This initiation hold space each week for us to reintroduce oneself to our sexuality again.

— Holly

“Hard to put into words the potency and sacred magic of the space [Caitlin] holds for women to unfurl and bloom… Strip Her feels like a sacred homecoming back to my body, sexuality, sensuality and sisterhood. Caitlin carries such a reverence for her work which is felt in the safety of the container she holds for every woman in the group. This is an invitation to embrace, nurture and embody your fullness as a woman. If there's a little desire within you, a curiosity or an edge you'd like to dance towards, I'd encourage you to say yes and give yourself this gift! Strip Her is for every woman who wants to meet more of her own magic, power and stand tall in her own Queendom.

— Tegan

I just want to thank you. The work that you’re doing and the space you create is absolutely phenomenal. I spend a lot of time in sacred spaces for women and what you are able to offer has absolutely astounded me! 

You have curated a space that is not only brave and challenging, but unwaveringly safe, inclusive and free of judgement. I have had a big journey with my body over the last 5 years with major surgeries (leaving me with significant scars), reproductive challenges and having to relearn my body as it has changed. The space you created allowed me to reclaim my body and sensuality, and to get to do this in a space of sisterhood - which was in itself so healing for me!

I am an un-ending waterfall of gratitude and will forever be a raving fan of you and Strip Her. You have given me so much and I remain entirely committed to this journey. I’ve been doing a bit of this practice everyday and it’s made the world of difference. I am now truly thriving in, loving and embracing my body. I’m unendingly grateful.

— Taylor

“The Strip Her course was one of the best things I've done in life. I booked it in a spur of a moment decision not really understanding the type of impact it would have on me. 

Coming from a culture where women were always asked to cover up, to never showcase their sexuality, to be quiet, to bow down to the patriarchy; I had a lot of blocks and baggage. Strip Her helped me tackle these issues and emerge out as the strong and beautiful woman that I am! 

My confidence has improved, I'm so much more comfortable in my body, I have so much more self love! 

I've also met some of the most amazing women via this course and it was so good to connect with them and form lasting friendships!

I would recommend this course to every single woman out there! Worth every penny and every minute of it.

— Nikki

“I entered Caitlin’s online course with hesitation, doubting my confidence in certain areas of my life. I was slow to start, embarrassingly triggered by other sisters as they bared it all. As the weeks progressed I was gently encouraged to explore sides of myself I kept hidden. Caitlin’s guidance was authentic, her words charmed my soul as I grew with my fellow sisters in the safe capsule we created, until I felt confident enough to embrace my power and do it all. My journey has just commenced but damn it feels good, I’ve discovered a playfulness I never knew existed.

— L

It’s amazing the difference since doing Strip Her: I’m so in love with myself now!

I have struggled for many years to unify the sexual parts of me and the parts that carry shame. Therapy is so helpful and great but it often led me to be stuck in my mind going in circles. Strip Her provided a practice that was not only powerful but can be used in the moment to drop straight into myself. Whenever I feel in my head, or concerned or looking for pleasure outside myself all I need is a small movement and flow in my body to come back and realise all I need is here.

My relationship with women has been a journey; I previously felt so unsafe and would compare myself to them. Strip Her allowed a really safe environment to go slow and mend this relationship - not by thinking about it but via safe exposure. I was amazed at how quickly I could move through my fears. My relationships with females since are so much more connected and real and one of the most cherished areas of my life. I can hug my girlfriends, I honour them unapologetically and I can walk arms linked like we did when we were kids. 

Strip Her isn't just about striping, it’s learning to hold space for yourself in your body, it’s reconnecting and trusting women and it’s empowering yourself to love with radical compassion.

Caitlin’s coaching style has set a standard of what I expect from all coaches and mentors. She is trauma informed and embodies respecting that we are the leaders of ourselves and we will know when it is safe to participate in any activity or go to certain places inside ourselves. Caitlin is the female mentor and inspiration I had been looking for for a long time and with that she mirrors that safety and respect to remind me that I am that mentor and inspiration I have been looking for.  Caitlin drops so many bombs of wisdom - it flows out of her so beautifully. You can tell she hasn't just remembered wisdom from a book or is regurgitating something she has learnt from someone else. She is truly a vessel of beauty and an absolute gift of empowerment to women.

You will have so many benefits from this course that you won’t expect. If your gut is telling you to sign up I highly recommend it. Let go of expectations and just commit to trusting and loving yourself and the benefits you are ready for will reveal themselves. I have been singing for as long as I can remember - the embodiment lesson flowed over to this and is a gift I will never forget - I now sing with so much more feeling and truly understand the meaning of singing for myself.”

— Lara

“Wow. Caitlin is someone who is in her magic / zone of genius. She has this incredible ability to make anyone and everyone to feel safe to express whatever and however they are feeling. I am very new to this space but Caitlin made my experience so effortless and safe to be myself. She is so in tune with her feminine power and is someone that embodies what she is preaching to the world.

If you are new or have been in the embodiment space for a while, I highly recommend learning and being guided by Caitlin - she has a super power that I’ve never seen before. I am really intentional with what I share with my friends and this hands down has been something I have so easily have shared and raved about to others. I 100% recommend Strip Her because it allows you to access a whole new level of power within yourself and to be witnessed by other women is so enriching. To be celebrated by other women for being your biggest self is so healing. I used to feel like I had to hide or water down my confidence and sexiness because I didn’t want to trigger other women, but now that I’ve done this program it has allowed me to be fully unleashed in my greatest power.

Caitlin opened the portal for me to fully experience and express unapologetically my feminine fierce power. I can walk down the street and own my sexiness and not shy away if there was a guy looking at me. It has also allowed me to love my body so much more than ever before. It also has allowed my sexual desires to get way more creative too ;)

The photography session was also really healing for me because I haven’t shown my sexual/ sensual side to many men. My husband is probably the only person that has witnessed me in full sexual expression. I was hesitant and nervous to do this infront of another male but it was healing because it opened up permission for me to be in my full sensual self and know that I am so safely held.

— Ash

“Caitlin is incredible at creating a safe space where you can fully let go and express, explore and honour all sides of yourself. It felt fun, I felt relaxed, held. I also loved the sisterhood that is created and the vulnerability that it creates. I loved having the set time just for my sensuality. I love looking in the mirror naked now. I’m more present to loving myself and my body. I miss Wednesday nights now it’s over and look forward to The Pop-Up.”

— Kelly

“I initially had heard of Caitlin’s program through a friend and then I went to her Pop-Up. I was immediately hooked and needed more of this medicine. When I first started the program I was only just starting to dip my toes into embodiment and sensuality. I knew there was more of me I needed to access but just didn’t know how to. I thought this course will help me feel more sexy, pleasurable and desirable but what this 8 week program gave me access to was a lot more than that. I didn’t even know I had these aspects of myself until this course. Each call was like a portal, awakening each part of myself I had forgotten. I’ve reached such a depth with myself and there’s no going back. I’ve been able to hold myself through shame, grief, anger, pleasure, joy and the full spectrum of emotions unconditionally. This is something I wasn’t able to do before. I found how to embrace my full f**k YES and my full f**k NO. In these 8 weeks I went from being in my girl energy, always playing small to an unapologetic and erotic woman, fully in her power.

The strip her program will bring you safety, harmony & unconditional-ness with your body. This program is only 8 weeks but it’s medicine will last you a life time. Absolutely life changing.

— Achal

“Before coming to Caitlin I had so many insecurities, so many fears, my body was constantly in tension and my mind would jump into harsh judgements of what is right or wrong, filling itself with doubts, fragmented and scared. However, there was still some magic inside which called my name when I saw Caitlin's course announcement. I knew I had to go there and this course completely exceeded my expectations and filled me with new energy. Mid-course I wanted to quit but I am so happy I persisted. I discovered love for myself, my body and all of womanhood. It connects Earth and Sky through woman's body. I have realised how lucky I am to be a woman and how long this woman has wanted to be seen, felt and lived. I made friends, I felt alive and honoured. I feel more in connection with my Dark Feminine and owning my desires. Now I let myself feel full spectrum, I have more trust in letting my body speak to me and expressing whatever is being asked.

This course has the potential to empower you and show your true self to you in your striking beauty and magnitude. Thank you Caitlin! You are amazing! Your magic is what put me more in contact with myself. I am so so so grateful from the depth of my Soul to you. Every Single woman on earth needs to do your courses and feel this freedom!

— Elena

“I signed up for StripHer because I wanted to become the woman I was meant to be…sexy, wild and free. I knew there was so much inner potential waiting to be unleashed in me. Caitlin knew just how to coax it out in the most celebratory way. I can’t believe how much aliveness there was just waiting to be discovered.

Before I joined I was feeling disconnected from my body, sexuality and from dating. I wanted to change all of that and experience your style of facilitation specifically. Since doing Strip Her I dress differently and I feel more confident being naked. I look forward to the day when I have someone special to impress with my new moves!

It’s clear to see that Caitlin was born to do this work. She really practises what she teaches and has so much wisdom to share in her spoken word and in her living transmission of just being near her. Just do it. It’s an investment in yourself.

— Mary

This program is amazing; all women need this. I loved this course so much I would absolutely do it again. It allowed me to fully show up as a sensual woman. Before the course I’d been able to get into this sensual energy on my own in my bedroom but I was nervous about others seeing me this way. This course allowed me to fully step into being seen, and I actually loved it. I loved being witnessed in all my divine feminine. I feel sexy, I feel more confident in my body and really good in my sensuality. I’m loving my body more. Strip Her has been so profound for me and how I continue to show up in the world. I feel all women can benefit greatly from this course and I highly recommend Caitlin and this program. I felt safe and comfortable the whole way through. There was sensuality, play, so much fun, and also being held when it was challenging. Thank you for leading the way, so we can all show up more powerfully as our sensual selves.”

— Kate

“I joined the program to meet other like-minded women and share in a journey of coming back home to ourselves even deeper. I'd previously always been a very sensual woman and a part of me felt like I've often had to hide that part of myself because I didn't see any space in a rushed, disconnected, society for soft sensuality to be safely expressed and valued. Doing Strip Her gave me space to look at my sensuality and allow that part of me to be fully seen and expressed from a place of celebration rather than judgement and suppression. Now I’m practising allowing myself to receive the gift this universe has given women to surrender into sensuality and allow life to be joyful and to allow myself to play with life. I’m practising the art of surrendering into softness and sensuality; to trust God, Creator, Universe and release control of my preferences, fears and rigidities. Strip Her was an experience that invited my nervous system to intentionally and safely experience what surrender into my femininity feels like on a somatic level which translates into daily moments of surrender where my nervous system may not instinctively feel as safe to soften into intuitive feminine surrender. It remains a daily, moment by moment practice.

Caitlin is a beautiful and down to earth spirit. I was drawn to working with her because nothing feels off limits to talk about. She wears her shame as a medal of honour and invites us into this experience alongside her. She shares her shame narratives with us as if sprinkling secret superpower dust on us. It opens my heart and allows some light into the dark cold closed fisted stories of my own!

— Anonymous

Strip Her was a powerful balm to feeling stuck, disconnection from self and a soul that felt a bit lacklustre. Whether you go to a pop-up or are fully immersed in a course (highly recommend!), you’re undoubtedly going to awaken your inner goddess, feel her strength and step into your sexiness. 

I came across Strip Her through going to the pop-up. I sat next to some former students who just exuded confidence. They spoke about how life changing the course was. The Strip Her pop-up had remained in my mind but it wasn’t until a few months after where I found myself in a bit of a rut. My confidence and embodiment had been low and I thought back to the pop-up, how it was such a special space, a sacred energy and really fun. I was really nervous about the course, but also quite excited. There’s something really powerful about a group of women who are taking hold of their sovereignty.

The space that was created by Caitlin to really feel into the divine feminine within us was very special. I felt a lot more connected to myself, I felt a lot more embodied, though at times emotional, it was also a lot of fun. It was as if the permission slip to feel sexy and free was yours for the taking and there was welcomed space for every woman to embrace that part of herself. It gave me a true sense that I can tap into this inner goddess, that I can move and be moved, that I can be witnessed and witness and celebrate; and how beautiful it is to be able to. 

I had reservations, but if you’re feeling unsure, book a session with Caitlin to chat and put your mind at ease. Caitlin creates a sacred and held space. Every woman deserves to feel their own power, to celebrate themselves, to feel sexy and confident.”

— A

“Strip Her is a space which gives you permission to be in your full, uninhibited expression of your womanhood - including the range of your emotions and depth of your sensuality and pleasure. Caitlin holds a powerful and loving space and offers an authentic transmission of the primordial wisdom of the feminine. If you feel ready to start your journey into exploring feminine embodiment and begin shedding any limiting beliefs around inhabiting your pleasure, Strip Her is for you!

This is a beautifully held space which offers radical permission and guidance for your first steps into embodiment, connecting with your sensuality and unfolding into your pleasure. I loved the shamanic elements she brought in, like honouring and connecting with the land - I felt the deep acknowledgment of the body being part of this Earth and a deep reverence of nature which resonates deeply with me. Caitlin is super authentic and embodied and clearly lives what she teaches. Her depth, joy and honesty gave permission for the full range of expression.”

— L

“I wanted to tell you that this workshop really changed me. I think about it every dayit did affect my posture as a woman. I feel really liberated... I have really changed, or more correctly, I've improved. I acknowledged my value as a woman.😍… I also realised that I might be a shy person on the outside but on the inside I'm wild.

— Sivan, Germany

“Working with Caitlin was like remembering a part of myself I had forgotten. … I truly have felt able to come out of my shell I was able to really tap into those deep parts of myself that I haven’t been able to give love to. Working with Caitlin was one of the most enriching experiences of my life! I really needed that! I didn’t know how much I needed that.”

— Jade, Australia

That was really awakening! I got to integrate pieces of myself that I left behind. I felt like I was coming into alignment with myself. ... I released so many decades of tension, stress and pain ... I really have learned since then, as the integrations have taken place, how to stand up for myself as a womanit’s healed my relationship with me.

— S.K., USA

I would recommend it in a heartbeat. For me what stood out was that I felt very safe, I liked that it was a small and intimate group. I experienced a lot of relief… It felt like something hidden inside me got re-awakend… I felt more and more connected to myself.

— Joanna, Germany

“I really felt like I'd just been injected with confidence!I’m shining and I feel it. I feel people feel it from me, when I walk into a room. It can only get brighter 😄✨🙏🏼”

— Daisy, Thailand

“Caitlin, you are incredible! Thank you so much... I wish I had met you 20 years ago 😉 ... I felt very liberated... I've learned to pay more attention to my body and feel more connected to it. I am more friendly with my body now. 💕”

— Negin, Australia

I was able to explore parts of my femininity in ways I had never done before. It felt like coming home in many ways. I will for sure come again and again and again ❤️”

— Leni, Germany

“Ever since, I have been dancing at home, and really looking at myself differently. Thank you for transmitting that energy, and for being so lovely and welcoming.”

— Jane, Germany

I feel connected to my self, in a completely accepting and beautiful way for the first time. … I have a completely new outlook and real understanding of my inner power and magic of being a woman.

— Leslie, Canada

“That was really magical and really wonderful! That was a really deep journey…. Not only did she gift me with deep clarity, and inner power, but helped me to awaken to dormant feelings of Sensuality, confidence, and Wildness. 🌹❤👑”

— Jade, England

“Her work is very important for women. … Every single girl needs this! If only they knew! My divine feminine was awakened and witnessed! I’m no longer ashamed and feeling guilty about who I am.”

— LiYing, Scotland

“Caitlin is an extremely gifted intuitive priestess and divine feminine channel! She helped me to see the greater feminine power within myself Caitlin is holding a soft and gentle space… [She] channeled wisdom that allowed me to stay grounded and feel safe to share anything that was on my heart!”

— Ava, Costa Rica

That was super cool… I loved reconnecting to my body in a self-loving and sensual way - something my body has been craving for a long time.

— Vanae, Germany

“Working with Caitlin was very eye opening. It’s such a wonderful and powerful thing that she’s doing, helping women to heal and to reconnect with their bodies in the way that she does. ... I not only get to heal my own relationship... but I also get to share this gift with my daughter.

— Latoya, USA

Why Work With Me?

When I answered the call to be a Birthkeeper, Life set me on a path to reconnect with the pieces of myself I had left behind; pieces of myself I didn’t even know I’d lost. I had to return to the Feminine; the repressed, rejected and misunderstood Feminine. Of course, birth is her realm.

One day, a voice whispered to me “Go to a strip club”. Initially, I laughed it off, but it came back, saying “No, really, go to a strip club. The women there have access to something that you don’t. They are your next teachers.”

It was while stripping that I had the opportunity to confront my conditioning and explore my truth around shame, sensuality, expression, respectability, boundaries, agency, self-worth, judgement, competition, sisterhood, desire, power, relating and so, so, so much more.

I learned just how riddled with shame I was and I stripped back all of my conditioning until I was left with myself; my adorable self.

I’m going to show you how to reconcile with the parts of you that are afraid. I’m going to show you how to feel safe in your body; how to feel delicious in your body. I’m going to show you how magnificently beautiful and worthy of respect and adoration you are. 

You deserve this.


  • Together, we commit to ensure that no woman goes unseen or feels ‘looked over’. This is a supportive space.

  • Don’t package yourself; give us your fullness and your realness. Don’t make yourself small; this is a place for you to take up space and be seen! It’s ok if you’re the boldest one in the group – you are not too much. Similarly, your vulnerabilities are welcome. It’s ok if you’re the shyest – you are absolutely enough. Remember that every woman has her insecurities. We vow to remind each other that each woman plays an important part in this group and that we are all welcome – all of us. Always.

  • Practice radical compassion and self-care. Some women love the spotlight, others don’t; some are more familiar with this kind of setting; others are new. Please respect where you and others are at and don’t burden yourself with comparison. We are not here to compete.

  • Know that you might be triggered and that’s perfectly normal. We’re here for each other. What comes up is ready to be cleared. Know that you may contact me privately at any point during the program.

  • Nudity will not be forced, though it will be welcomed if any woman desires to be witnessed as her bare or semi-bare self. We celebrate everyone’s unique boundaries.

  • Participate in every activity at your own discretion. Acknowledging your personal yes’s and no’s is encouraged and celebrated in this space.

Claim it for yourself now and let’s get to work!

Lots of love,
Caitlin xx


Got questions? Book a free call with me and we’ll talk through your questions or concerns. I’m here for you.
I built this course for you!





With Caitlin Erica

Future dates and cities TBC.