Work With Me 1:1

Work with me in a private 3month feminine embodiment immersion that’ll have you feeling gloriously unfuckwithable.

For too long, you’ve suppressed the passionate and playful woman within. The part that oozes magnetism, takes up space, loves ferociously, owns her truth and dares to dream. You’ve tamed her, shamed her and made her small because that’s what you were taught. You’ve left behind so many pieces of yourself to be the ‘good girl’, ‘cool girlfriend’, ‘independent woman’ or the ‘selfless mother’.

And now you feel like a ghost of yourself, like you’ve lost that spark of life you know exists.

I know you see other women thriving and glowing and your eyes widen and you think to yourself:

‘I want that!’

I know this because that was me, too. I felt lost. I felt like I was disappearing.

And after years of picking up my own pieces, I’m here to serve you.

I have a vision of you gliding through life, finding yourself in fits of laughter, checking yourself out in the mirror, dancing around the house and saying YES to life. I see you having deeply profound conversations, manifesting your dreams, inspiring people around you and falling to your knees in gratitude. I see you feeling whole; turned on and all the way up!

You don’t need to become anything. We’ve simply got to strip back all the bullshit stories, beliefs, excuses and misunderstandings that bury your Goddess-given magnificence.

The time is now.

If you're not loving what you see every time you pass by a mirror, then something is out of alignment.

Being seduced by the reflection in the mirror is your birthright.

How would it feel to…

  • First, learn to feel safe in your sensual expression... and then turn it up to delicious! Permit your sultry self to come out and bask in your feminine glory. Feel sacred, sexy and alive as you learn the art of sensual movement.

  • Gently dismantle the shame and fear you’ve been carrying around, for good! That sh*t has been keeping you caged for way too long! Take back your life and give yourself full permission to be all that you are. Love it, own it, flaunt it.

  • Awaken and reclaim the parts of your wild feminine nature that have been left behind, rejected and feared. Allow your depth and magic. No more hiding your power, honey!

  • Drop the princess act and step into your Queendom so you can powerfully call in your desires: your pay-rise, career change, soulmate, family, holiday… Do the work, claim your worth and stop settling for crumbs.

  • Upgrade your relationship to your womb and pussy - reclaim your pleasure and transform your experience of menstruation so that you deeply enjoy your monthly bleed. Your sense of womanhood: forever changed.

  • Upgrade your sex life as you deepen your connection to your body, create harmony in your erotic expression and allow yourself to be turned on by your sexy-AF-self. (And no, you don’t need a partner to reap the rewards of an improved sex life!)

  • Unlock your hips and deepen your connection to your body to increase your vitality and feel more limber, playful and sensuous.

  • Fall deeply in love with your beautiful, wonderful self. Turn on your magnetism, get that glow, ooze confidence and inspire women all around you to show up for themselves, too.

What You Get

  • 9 x 60-90 minute personalised Call of the Feminine sessions with me

  • 1 x 90 minute Energy Alignment and Soul-Speak Session with a powerful soul whisperer

  • PM/voice note support between calls (up to 20min a week).

  • Practices, rituals and resources to support your expansion throughout the mentorship and beyond (includes 3 pre-recorded activations)

  • Goddess Rituals Goodie Bag valued at $250

I’m your woman

Once upon a time, I was afraid of my body; riddled with shame and confusion. I believed I wasn’t supposed to love myself too much. I’ve walked this path myself and I’ve devoted myself to keeping this path lit for other women, like you, who also deserve to find their way home to themselves. If I can do it, you can do it.

Take my hand, let’s make it fun!


$5,000 AUD

Payment plans are available.


“Caitlin, you are incredible! Thank you so much... I wish I had met you 20 years ago 😉 ... I felt very liberated... I've learned to pay more attention to my body and feel more connected to it. I am more friendly with my body now. 💕 "


— Negin, Australia


“[This work] really changed me. I think about it every day ... it did affect my posture as a woman. I feel really liberated... I have really changed, or more correctly, I've improved. I acknowledged my value as a woman.😍”


— Sivan, Germany


“I feel connected to my self, in a completely accepting and beautiful way for the first time. … I have a completely new outlook and real understanding of my inner power and magic of being a woman.”


— Leslie, Canada


“Caitlin is an extremely gifted intuitive priestess and divine feminine channel! She helped me to see the greater feminine power within myself and my service!”


— Ava, Costa Rica


“Working with Caitlin was very eye opening. It’s such a wonderful and powerful thing that she’s doing, helping women to heal and to reconnect with their bodies in the way that she does. ... I not only get to heal my own relationship to my cycle, but I also get to share this gift with my daughter.”


— Latoya, USA


“I would recommend it in a heartbeat… It felt like something hidden inside me got re-awakend… I felt more and more connected to myself.”


— Joanna, Germany


“Ever since, I have been dancing at home, and really looking at myself differently. Thank you for transmitting that energy, and for being so lovely and welcoming.”


— Jane, Germany


“I was able to explore parts of my femininity in ways I had never done before. It felt like coming home in many ways. ❤️”


— Leni, Germany


“That was super cool… I loved reconnecting to my body in a self-loving and sensual way - something my body has been craving for a long time.”


— Vanae, Germany


Why Work With Me?

When I answered the call to be a Birthkeeper, Life set me on a path to reconnect with the pieces of myself I had left behind; pieces of myself I didn’t even know I’d lost. I had to return to the Feminine; the repressed, rejected and misunderstood Feminine. Of course, birth is her realm.

One day, a voice whispered to me “Go to a strip club”. Initially, I laughed it off, but it came back, saying “No, really, go to a strip club. The women there have access to something that you don’t. They are your next teachers.”

And so I took myself there, trembling. I was a nervous wreck but I also had a deep sense of trust in the call of Spirit. I knew there was something important on the other side of this initiation.

It was while stripping that I had the opportunity to confront my conditioning and explore my truth around shame, sensuality, expression, respectability, boundaries, agency, self-worth, judgement, projections, competition, sisterhood, desire, power, relating and so, so, so much more.

I learned just how riddled with shame I was and I stripped back all of my conditioning until I was left with myself; my adorable self.

I’m going to show you how to reconcile with the parts of you that are afraid. I’m going to show you how to feel safe in your body; how to feel delicious in your body. I’m going to show you how magnificently beautiful and worthy of respect and adoration you are.

You’re ready.

You’re Worthy.


Book Your Free Call Today