Return To Her
A Journey of Sensual Movement
“This workshop really changed me. I think about it every day…”
— Sivan, Berlin
Beautiful woman you are invited to give yourself the gift of permission; permission to feel really good in your body. There is a special kind of magic that happens when a woman rolls her hips; and a certain healing that occurs when we allow ourselves to be seen and celebrated by other women.
Together, as glorious and tender women, we will give ourselves permission to sink into our sensual nature and celebrate ourselves and each other. As we come into union with our bodies, we will gently untangle our true selves from our conditioning; delicately peeling back layers to take back that which has been shamed: our sensuality; our innocent enjoyment of ourselves; our freedom.

Next Event
Friday 20th January
6:30pm - 8pm
The Flow Newtown
1/502 King St, Newtown NSW 2042
“That class a fortnight ago was one of the single best things I've ever done”
— Sarah, Sydney

Return To Her is a gentle guided journey of sensual movement to reclaim and celebrate your womanhood.
All women welcome. No rhythm required.
Private Bookings
This journey is also available as a private booking for both 1:1 and group experiences.
1:1 Bookings
1:1 sessions are 1.5hours and can be held in-person at my home in Bondi AUS, or online via Zoom.
Group Bookings
Group journeys are 2hours and can be held in an appropriate sized space organised by you.
$666* (2 - 7people)
$777* (8 - 14 people)
$888* (15 - 21)
For larger groups, send me a message.
*A travel fee for locations more than 10km outside of Bondi may be added.

Before The Event…
Take the time to make yourself feel goooood in preparation for this event!
Maybe that means having a bath the night before, giving yourself a massage with coconut oil, giving yourself a face-mask, washing your hair, shaving your legs or something else entirely.
Think about what you love the feeling of and give that to yourself. Under your clothes, wear underwear that makes you feel sexy - not your daggy ones. This is about honouring your body and your senses. Adorn your body with clothing that makes you feel special. This is a journey of sensuality so think about what you have that delights your senses. Maybe you’ve got something that you absolutely love the feel of (silk, cotton, linen…) or something you just love the look of. Do you enjoy the sound of your bangles chiming? Do you feel like a Goddess in it? Whatever you want goes! This is your self-expression. Make sure you can move around and note that you may get warm so layers are a good idea.
We will have our shoes-off for the event.
Please bring a water bottle.
"...ever since, I have been dancing at home and really looking at myself differently."
- Jane, Berlin DEU
What People Are Saying:
“I wanted to tell you that this workshop really changed me. I think about it every day…I think it did affect my posture as a woman. I feel really liberated, and our talk at the end made me so curious about what I might achieve if only I could feel good in my own body. I also realised that I might be a shy person on the outside but on the inside I’m wild. … thank you very much for doing this kind of workshop!”
— Sivan
“Awww thanks for guiding us in such a magical magical state! You are phenomenal! 💫✨
Last night dropped me so deeply in ‘Her’; in such deep reverence and gratitude for my body. Aaaah! I am in awe of myself and all of the other beautiful women I’ve encountered. 🤤😻🧚🏼♂️
Thank you so so much for what you helped me access, I can’t imagine what your 7 week journey is 🔥🤩
Soon I’ll be starting a yoga teacher training and I feel like I will go into it with a new level of respect and softness in my body ⚡️⚡️⚡️ magical!”
— Linda
“Wow! It was so inspiring! I am very very happy. I’m still feeling the sensuality. I feel it in the night. I’m so connected to that. I’m staying at a friend’s house now and we slept together… He was touching me and I was enjoying it - I was allowing myself to enjoy. Previously, with another man, (who I really enjoyed!) when I had sex with him, I couldn’t enjoy myself that much. I tried but I was blocked… but after yesterday - wow! Tonight when I had sex! Wow… I… Oh my god! I was so, so enjoying myself with him but with ME! I was remembering the things that you said and I was remembering the workshop constantly. It was so beautiful! You opened a part of me that I had completely abandoned myself because of trauma and past experience… What I saw yesterday and what you showed us and reminded us of was so amazing… 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍”
— Pia
“Return to Her has been a fantastic experience for me. It felt like something hidden inside me got re-awakend: Through feeling what my body wants to say and to move her accordingly I felt more and more connected to myself. I really recommend working with Caitlin because she is a fine teacher who brings a lot of heart, joy and compassion into the mix. Sensual dance as a way of expression is definitely something I want to do on a regular basis now.”
— Joanna
“That was amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever moved like that before in my life! What a beautiful journey, I felt so in my body for the first time in years! Everything about it was so sensual and juicy. I really loved how Caitlin held space for me to be truly me in my skin and allowed me to surrender deep into sensuality and movement. To move it the way I did was extremely special bodywork; I felt so much release. This workshop has definitely helped me to make this a regular practice in my life! I’m so glad I experienced it. Xx”
— Hannah
“I loved the workshop… I really loved it… I felt free, like no one else was watching, I felt it was a safe space to do whatever movement or dance I felt like doing. I liked the connection with myself and the words you used to describe our bodies… that same night when I came back from the workshop I started to dance in front of the mirror and I started to practice some with my boyfriend ;)”
— Pia
“I have felt so much more connected to my body the last few days, it’s incredible!! Thankyou so much for helping me push through the guilt and shame of enjoying my body. I had such a fun, sensual and playful swim yesterday and I felt so free!! ❣️ … It’s honestly magical, I didn’t expect it to affect my swimming!!! Hahaha”