Return To Her

Art Of The Embodied Feminine


“This workshop really changed me. I think about it every day…”

— Sivan, Berlin

Next Dates:

Soon to be announced.

We all lose ourselves. It’s part of the journey.

7 years ago I lost myself in a relationship and in the void of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I was 28, healthy, living in New York with my love… but… something was missing.

I was missing.

I went from dancing at bus stops with strangers to feeling anxious around people. I didn't want to be seen. I felt like a dead weight. I existed in a sort of waking slumber. Awake but not really alive.

A ghost of myself.

I had so little life force.

Where did she go, that girl I used to be? That girl I used to love?

I had to muster all the strength I had and choose to stand up and breathe life back into myself.

That was the beginning of my return to Her.

A return, not only to myself, but to The Feminine. A wellspring I had cut myself off from, growing up in a patriarchal world that didn’t understand Her properly.

When I answered the call to be a Birthkeeper, Life set me on a path to reconnect with the pieces of myself I had left behind; pieces of myself I didn’t even know I’d lost. I had to return to the Feminine; the repressed, rejected and misunderstood Feminine. Of course, birth is her realm.

Let me be clear:

Whenever my teacher, Sal, mentioned ‘The Feminine’ or femininity work back then, I had no idea what she was talking about. I didn’t get it. It was so deeply repressed in me.

But now, having excavated the jewels of my soul, I want nothing more than to welcome you into the mysteries of the Feminine and kneel before you as you awaken your power, too.

You know that being a woman is special. Mystical. Magical. You know there is an ocean of power that lives within you.

And if you’re reading this now, you might just be ready to dive into the depths of yourself.

Ready to feel your body pulsating with ecstasy; to fall to your knees in gratitude over your Life.

I’m going to get you out of your mind and back into your holy, holy body.

That's where the magic is.

You'll come to feel safe in your body; delicious in your body.

You're about to realise just how magnificently worthy you are.

“That class a fortnight ago was one of the single best things I've ever done”

— Sarah, Sydney

Return To Her is a gentle 5 week ritual series that will deepen your connection to your physical body and initiate you on the Feminine path.

This is for the woman who wants to weave more magic into her daily routine and return to the bliss of being in her body.

This course has a strong focus on womb work and female anatomy.

The Details


Over 5 weeks, you will move through a series of rituals and activations that you can come back to as often as you need, for the rest of your life.


  • 2 x sacred ceremonies

  • 1 x womb workshop

  • 5 x guided rituals

  • 6 x bonus rituals and activations


  • Fall into deep reverence for and awe of yourself, where you feel grateful to be you, everyday;

  • Feel more comfortable in your body and start walking with an air of confidence, checking yourself out in the mirror, feeling better in and out of clothes and making love with the lights on;

  •  Feel connected to the depths of your being so that you’re not intellectualising your whole life and living in the prison of your mind;

  • Learn simple grounding techniques to sooth yourself in times of stress, sadness and anxiety;

  • Feel more confident in taking up space and expressing yourself at home, in relationships, at work and in social situations;

  • Connect more deeply to your Feminine side ( If you’re wondering “Wtf does that even mean??” … don’t worry, we’ll get there.);

  • Find your magic. (Yeah, I know you like magic.)


This is a gentle solo journey for YOU. Live calls can be camera’s off. You won’t be asked to share anything of yourself with the group. Take these rituals, from my heart to yours, and run with them. They are yours to keep forever; to return to as often as you need.


This course is for both the newbies and embodiment veterans alike. If my other, more risqué programs (Strip Her + Strip Her: The Pop-Up) feel too much for you, this is where you want to be! It’s soft, gentle and not too spicy. It’s also a really beautiful gift to give yourself if you’re already on this path and need a top up of self-care. We all drift away from our centre and need to return.

This is a beautiful gift to give yourself…
When you’re single;
When you’re in a relationship;
When you’re overwhelmed with work or family;
When you’re needing to fill your cup;
When you feel like spoiling yourself;
When you’re craving downtime;
When it’s your birthday;
When it’s Valentines Day;
When it’s Monday…

"...ever since, I have been dancing at home and really looking at myself differently."

- Jane, Berlin DEU

Why Work With Me?

One day, a voice whispered to me “Go to a strip club”. Initially, I laughed it off, but it came back, saying “No, really, go to a strip club. The women there have access to something that you don’t. They are your next teachers.”

It was while stripping that I had the opportunity to confront my conditioning and explore my truth around shame, sensuality, expression, respectability, boundaries, agency, self-worth, judgement, competition, sisterhood, desire, power, relating and so, so, so much more.

I learned just how riddled with shame I was and I stripped back all of my conditioning until I was left with myself; my adorable self.

I’m going to show you how to reconcile with the parts of you that are afraid. I’m going to show you how to feel safe in your body; how to feel delicious in your body. I’m going to show you how magnificently beautiful and worthy of respect and adoration you are.

What People Are Saying:


“I wanted to tell you that this workshop really changed me. I think about it every day…I think it did affect my posture as a woman. I feel really liberated, and our talk at the end made me so curious about what I might achieve if only I could feel good in my own body. I also realised that I might be a shy person on the outside but on the inside I’m wild. … thank you very much for doing this kind of workshop!”

— Sivan

“Awww thanks for guiding us in such a magical magical state! You are phenomenal! 💫✨

Last night dropped me so deeply in ‘Her’; in such deep reverence and gratitude for my body. Aaaah! I am in awe of myself and all of the other beautiful women I’ve encountered. 🤤😻🧚🏼‍♂️

Thank you so so much for what you helped me access, I can’t imagine what your 7 week journey is 🔥🤩

Soon I’ll be starting a yoga teacher training and I feel like I will go into it with a new level of respect and softness in my body ⚡️⚡️⚡️ magical!”

— Linda

Wow! It was so inspiring! I am very very happy. I’m still feeling the sensuality. I feel it in the night. I’m so connected to that. I’m staying at a friend’s house now and we slept together… He was touching me and I was enjoying it - I was allowing myself to enjoy. Previously, with another man, (who I really enjoyed!) when I had sex with him, I couldn’t enjoy myself that much. I tried but I was blocked… but after yesterday - wow! Tonight when I had sex! Wow… I… Oh my god! I was so, so enjoying myself with him but with ME! I was remembering the things that you said and I was remembering the workshop constantly. It was so beautiful! You opened a part of me that I had completely abandoned myself because of trauma and past experience… What I saw yesterday and what you showed us and reminded us of was so amazing… 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍”

— Pia

“Return to Her has been a fantastic experience for me. It felt like something hidden inside me got re-awakend: Through feeling what my body wants to say and to move her accordingly I felt more and more connected to myself. I really recommend working with Caitlin because she is a fine teacher who brings a lot of heart, joy and compassion into the mix. Sensual dance as a way of expression is definitely something I want to do on a regular basis now.”

— Joanna

That was amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever moved like that before in my life! What a beautiful journey, I felt so in my body for the first time in years! Everything about it was so sensual and juicy. I really loved how Caitlin held space for me to be truly me in my skin and allowed me to surrender deep into sensuality and movement. To move it the way I did was extremely special bodywork; I felt so much release. This workshop has definitely helped me to make this a regular practice in my life! I’m so glad I experienced it. Xx”

— Hannah

“I loved the workshop… I really loved it… I felt free, like no one else was watching, I felt it was a safe space to do whatever movement or dance I felt like doing. I liked the connection with myself and the words you used to describe our bodies… that same night when I came back from the workshop I started to dance in front of the mirror and I started to practice some with my boyfriend ;)”

— Pia

I have felt so much more connected to my body the last few days, it’s incredible!! Thankyou so much for helping me push through the guilt and shame of enjoying my body. I had such a fun, sensual and playful swim yesterday and I felt so free!! ❣️ … It’s honestly magical, I didn’t expect it to affect my swimming!!! Hahaha”

— Jem