A body love workshop that culminates in all the women strutting their stuff in a naked fashion show for each other.
"Witness Her made me realise how silly it was to spend my entire life hiding my body and being ashamed of it."
— Lozza
In a world where multiple multi-billion-dollar industries profit off women’s insecurities, Witness HER is here to remind us of the innate charm and beauty that oozes out of every. single. woman.
Witness HER is a precious opportunity for us to celebrate and admire the female form as a wonder of nature, in the same way that one might watch and appreciate a sunset. It’s a chance to actually see other women and to see ourselves reflected in them.
Herself is the most breathtaking thing a woman can wear.
Dear woman,
I hope you see yourself as a work of art;
A masterpiece of flesh and bone that houses a timeless soul;
A living portrait of courage, brilliance, mischief, wit and kindness.
A vehicle of dreams, desires and prayers unyeilding;
With wrinkles and lines that echo paths once taken and stretch marks that whisper tales of growth and expansion;
Speckled with dots and spots, freckles and dimples, like the clouds and stars that decorate the sky.
A microsom of the macrosom - with rivers of blood, waterfalls of tears, mountainous curves and grasses of hair that sweep the terrain that is… you.
Dear woman,
Have you seen yourself?
I mean really seen yourself for all that you are?

"Being part of an event like this, I feel my appreciation for women, and being a woman, deepens."
— Rita
“I always thought of myself as brave. I hiked a glacier, paraglided multiple times, rode zip lines with relative security but all those things did not scare me as much as catwalking in front of women at Witness Her. It was a wake up call for me to realise how many inhibitions still lived inside. This workshop stirred something inside to find deeper connection to myself. Caitlin embodies ‘Strong Wild Magnetic Woman’ who stands in her truth, who knows just knows and has zero need to impress anyone. And you can't help but gravitate to her transformational energy and you can't help but ask yourself "Omg, can I also be like that? Can I be that comfortable in my own skin?" It is still a journey for me but I have started and the answer is "yes".”
— Elena

You’ll be floored in admiration of yourself.

Hi, I’m Caitlin Erica
Apparently as a child, my mother couldn’t keep my clothes on me. As I grew up, however, I became afraid of my body.
When I went through puberty, I thought God had been cruel to me.
See… all the women in my family have big boobs and when I couldn’t fill a B cup, let alone a double D or an E, I felt I wasn’t womanly. I have a memory of going bra shopping with my sister and her teenage daughters and feeling so utterly pathetic. My nieces are 5 and 7 years younger than me and both of them had (and still have) larger breasts than me. I felt like less of a woman than my younger nieces. I felt broken. I made a joke, doing my best to hold back the tears of my perceived inadequacy.
I was also horrendously ashamed of my vulva because it didn’t look like the ones in the textbooks I saw in school. I didn’t see other women’s vulvas. I thought I was abnormal and ugly because of my big lips. ‘Why god, why?!’ I languished in turmoil.
And as if that wasn’t enough (‘really, thanks God!’) I was often asked if my carpet matched my drapes. Teased for being a redhead, I would anxiously remove the hair from my vulva to destroy all evidence of my ‘weird’ ginger pubes.
I held soooo much shame about my body.
I just didn’t know what was normal because I didn’t see other women.
I didn’t know what was beautiful.
I didn’t realise I was beautiful.
It took me years to feel at home in my blessed body and to realise how stunning she is. The misunderstanding - t h e d e l u s i o n - was real.
And I am not alone. Not even close.
Every woman has her story. Every woman has her journey.
Too many of us have hidden in shame, thinking there was something wrong with us, when in fact, we are perfectly normal and extraordinarily beautiful.
Growing up in Australia, we might think we’re in a forward thinking country, but there’s a lot of body shame in our culture. Nudity isn’t normalised here like it is in parts of Europe. We don’t see other naked bodies. We hide ourselves in public showers, and politely look down in change rooms, shielding ourselves as we get dressed. Body shame is normalised here.
And because of that, we missed out on appreciating the art of the human body. We missed out on experiencing nudity as natural. Innocent. Pure.
This is why Witness HER exists. To change the narrative. To let go of body shame and to finally, finally see, nay - to behold - the many jaw dropping expressions of womanhood.
Witness HER - with curiosity, admiration and the praise that she has always, always deserved.

“an ode to my post-partum body”
— Ali
Beauty is inherent in the perfect design of nature.
It’s everywhere we look - in the mountains, the oceans, the volcanoes and plant-life.
It’s also in the mirror.
It’s in the crevices of the human body; in the trails of stretch marks and scars that whisper stories of life.
What to Expect
Witness HER is a 3 hour body positivity workshop that culminates in a naked fashion show that we put on for each other (no outside guests allowed). This event is for women of all ages, backgrounds, sizes and colours.
“Wait, WHO is in the fashion show?”
You. Every woman who buys a ticket to this event does the workshop and is in the fashion show.
“So, who’s watching the fashion show then?”
The same women; we take turns. Every woman has the opportunity to both strut her stuff on the naked catwalk and watch the awe-inspiring show. To witness and be witnessed. No outside guests are allowed to come and watch the show - it’s just for us. A celebration of ourselves and each other. An inspiring, powerful, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
This is a hugely vulnerable space and the journey has been designed with the utmost tenderness.
We will begin with some gentle and nurturing group activities to help every woman feel safe. We’ll share our stories and connect.
Then we’ll turn up the inspiration and celebrate the stars out of each other. We’re all novices here. None of us have a clue what we’re doing and that’s the beauty of it. This isn’t a professional fashion show, it’s an expression of the tender flesh that unites us all. It’s honest, raw and charming.
Expect to laugh, expect to cry, expect to have your heart burst wide open.
The intention of the event is to strip bare but if any woman changes her mind and decides not to participate in any activities, her boundaries will be honoured and celebrated. At no point will any woman be forced or pressured into doing anything she doesn’t want to do. As with all my events, Witness HER is steeped in reverence and respect for every woman’s agency.

I know, I know. This work is edgy…
The idea of my events tend to make women feel both intrigued and terrified. Such is the nature of this work.
I know the idea of this is scary. I also know that you’re still reading this because there’s a part of you that so badly wants to be that woman who is so comfortable in her skin that she can stand, naked, in a room full of other women. Your desire to emancipate yourself from the shackles of self-doubt is a yearning I tasted on my tongue for years.
I get it. I really do. I was right there in your shoes, sister!
And that’s why I hold an incredibly safe and gentle space.
You’ve been doing all the work on yourself, meeting your edges, owning your shit, giving yourself love, etc. You’re a courageous, passionate, heart-felt, sensitive woman who is on the path of reclaiming her body, her expression and her power. And now, you deserve to really be amazed by yourself and all the hard work you’ve been doing to clear shame and reclaim your body.
You’re one of us, babe. Let us witness you. Let us behold you and love the fuck out of you.
If you have any questions at all - ASK ME.
I created this event FOR YOU. I am here to help you feel safe and glorious in your body.
Every body is a masterpiece of nature.
No experience necessary.
ALL of you is welcome.
Bring your nerves.
Bring your pain.
Bring your messiness.
Bring your awkwardness.
Bring your ‘holy fuck, what have I signed myself up for?’ panic.
Bring your awkward laugher.
Bring your tears.
Bring your shame.
Bring your discomfort.
Bring your bigness.
Bring your wildness.
Bring your fire.
Bring your mud.
Bring all the parts of yourself you think aren’t welcome and let us love on them.
You. Deserve. This.
“I'm definitely not the same woman and I can't wait to attend again!”
— Jess X Goh
Event Details
(Check here for upcoming dates)
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Second Story Studios (the ‘Woom Room’)
222 Johnston St
Collingwood 3066
This event is for women only.
Only women who participate in the workshop will see the show. No outside guests are allowed.
Gentle grounding and embodiment exercises;
Beautiful activities to help you feel more and more at home in your body and in the space;
Opportunities to share and connect with other women;
A participatory naked fashion show where you get to both witness and be witnessed;
Dancing, flaunting, cheering, celebrating, laughing with sisters.
We will remove our clothes gradually in two parts so please wear a top and pants/skirt (as opposed to a dress).
We will be barefoot but feel free to wear socks if you like. The venue has heating and the room will be nice and warm.
Please bring some kind of robe, kimono or sarong that’s easy to take on and off and that will be used as a personal cover between your bare bum and any surfaces you sit on.
Please bring a drink bottle - there is no food or drink at the venue.
The intention is for everyone to strip bare by the end of the workshop, however if any woman changes her mind, her boundaries will be respected. At no point will any woman be pressured into doing anything she’s not comfortable with. Self-sovereignty and sisterhood support are foundational to this event. We commit to meet each other in tenderness and celebration.
“I feel so connected to my body! I feel sexy; I feel confident!”
— Kirsty
Special thanks to our photographer Fernanda Faustino.

Get on the Waitlist
Be the first to hear about the next event or tell me to bring Witness Her to your city.
What women said about Witness Her…
“I'm pretty confident with clothes on but never been that confident naked. I see other girls who exude pure, unadulterated confidence in their sensuality and who can revel and dance in their bodies as they are and I wanted to learn some of that Queen-like feminine energy. I've gone through quite a few experiences in my life where I feel like my body was not my own and I want to claim her back and love her the way she deserves to be loved and treat her the way she deserves to be treated.
Witness Her made me realise how silly it was to spend my entire life hiding my body and being ashamed of it. A body which I will have until the day I die. Life is too short not to appreciate and love yourself.
Participating in the event was unlike anything I've ever done before. The event was fun and exciting, and I realised I loved being naked around other girls in a safe environment and seeing other girls as they truly are. It took the stigma away from feeling ashamed and apologetic about my body.
I feel like I have the confidence now to walk around naked in the gym changing rooms now and I would never have done that before your event.”
— Lozza
“Thank you again for creating such a wonderful and safe space for women to come together and celebrate each other!”
— Participant
“I always thought of myself as brave. I hiked a glacier, paraglided multiple times, rode zip lines with relative security but all those things did not scare me as much as catwalking in front of women at Witness Her. It was a wake up call for me to realise how many inhibitions still lived inside. This workshop stirred something inside to find deeper connection to myself. Caitlin embodies ‘Strong Wild Magnetic Woman’ who stands in her truth, who knows just knows and has zero need to impress anyone. And you can't help but gravitate to her transformational energy and you can't help but ask yourself "Omg, can I also be like that? Can I be that comfortable in my own skin?" It is still a journey for me but I have started and the answer is "yes".”
— Elena
“As a foreigner, I'm glad to experience more different thing when I'm abroad, cause some stuff are not possible (highly likely illegal) in my country. Meanwhile, I want to communicate with others about those feminine issues, but usually my friends and I don't bring up those topics.
The whole Witness Her event was absolutely perfect and far beyond my expectations. I recommend it to one of my friends immediately and she loves all the details as well.
Thanks for all your efforts! And looking forward to meeting with all of you again!”
— Participant
“Even though I'm already really comfortable being naked, it was just such a lovely way to spend a Sunday!
Being part of an event like this, I feel my appreciation for women, and being a woman, deepens. There is something about the experience of being naked together that connects us in a way that is very unique.
It's hard to put into words but it is very special.
Thanks must go to you for creating a safe and comfortable space for all of us to enjoy! I really appreciate the time and energy you gave us.”
— Rita
“I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for Sunday - even though I do feel like I’m one of the lucky ones who has had groups of women friends who do hang out naked - it’s been a while since I’ve been in that space. I gave this to myself as a 40th birthday exercise and an ode to my post-partum body. Felt really nice to be in my own skin again and also really inspiring to be around many diverse women pushing their edge.”
— Ali
What People Have Said About My Other Events…
“So about last night…
I didn’t know how much I needed that until now reflecting. I’ve worked hard to feel powerful in my body and sexually free and there’s been years of unlearning to get me to where I am today. But until [Strip Her: The Pop-up], I’d never been introduced to the version of myself that I met last night. I’ve decided to call her Portia. I created space to let Jess step back, and Portia took control. I was more connected to my body and sexuality than I ever knew was possible. I couldn’t stop touching and feeling every curve in my gorgeous body. Caitlin held space for us in such a magnetic way. We felt safe and free to express our sexual energy. And the roses. Don’t even get me started on the roses. After last night, I never want anyone to touch my body sexually without a rose in their hand 😂❤️
I cannot wait for the next event and will be telling everyone in my life about this incredible experience until they decide to join me and step into their divine sexual feminine energy ❤️🔥”
— Jess K, founder of Cacao & Connections and The Open Circle community
“It was fucking sensational!
Thank you beautiful lady for facilitating the most delicious embodied experience for women. I had a surreal, sensual, and sexy time last night. It was an absolute dream and I am SO SO glad I was there ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I literally cannot wait for another evening like that. Please keep doing them… every woman should be able to express herself freely and unapologetically xxx”
— Bella Mae, owner of The Flow Newtown
“I’ve been floating on a cloud since your event. Thank you so much for creating a container and a space full of safety and love so I could simply embrace just being a woman; it was truly exceptional. I didn't get a lot of sleep the night after your event, I was so excited and processing many thoughts and feelings and well days later, I still feel like I am coming up for air. You are a remarkable human; an absolutely incredible woman and I am in awe of you. This event is just so powerful and I’m really excited for your future events and to have the opportunity to take friends along. I feel so privileged that I got to be in this experience and it’s already had such a huge impact on my heart and on my life, so thank you Caitlin from the bottom of my heart.”
— Jules
“Fuck yeah, Queen! Loved it! Just so grateful and feeling so good after your amazing event I was telling a few women about it today. … I’m so grateful for you! The work you do is so important, you really inspire me and it’s really brought up things - I’m like ‘Wow! Ok, I have blocks here and there.”
— J
“[Strip Her: The Pop-up] was an exhilarating invitation to explore a deeper layer of my sensuality and feeling safe with Her. This has been an experience that I have been looking for, for such a long time, and the opportunity came when it presented itself. I'm a trauma coach in childhood abuse and what led me to this path was the oppression of my feminine from the patriarchial upbringing of the Asian culture and sexual abuse that came with the body shame. I was ready to dive deep and strip a layer of myself that was profoundly beautiful and vulnerable. I felt so held and supported by Caitlin and the sisterhood of the participants which encouraged me to keep exploring her even more. Thank you Caitlin for all the work that you do, I'm definitely not the same woman and I can't wait to attend again!”
— Jess X Goh, founder of Life In Confidence
“Tonight I attended [Strip Her: The Pop-up] with Caitlin and I am so grateful that she’s created this beautiful, safe container for women to come together and actually be embodied in their sexual sovereignty. I have been able to strip back and peel back so many layers of conditioning and shame about being a sensual, sexual woman. Tonight what I was able to witness and be a part of was just so empowering and I would honestly encourage any woman to step outside their comfort zone and come and experience what I’ve experienced tonight because it’s been honestly true magic.”
— Samantha Tune, personal coach
“Last night was amazing. I met so many beautifully wonderful women who were sexily confident within themselves. I am not used to the love that was in that room. I felt so much love and realised that women can be kind to one another without judgement. I’ve learnt it’s something I’ve really lacked and something I need to continue to work through. And now I’m laying starkers [naked] on top of all my blankets and just taking myself in.”
— J
“Tonight has changed me. I am a different woman now… and it takes a lot to change me!”
— J
“Honestly I had no doubts it was going to be amazing but It quite literally blew my mind. Thank you for creating such a safe space for women to feel sovereign & sexy. I felt like I was truly able to tap into something so primal, my raw feminine essence. Looking around the room it shook me how we just don't realise how repressed we are, we have this incredible feminine power within us and I'm so grateful that I was able to have that experience. I've left feeling like I was truly able to embody my authentic feminine self and it was honestly one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. The sharing of the experience with sisters was unmatched ❤️I wish I could take a bottle of experience and have it every morning 🤣🥰 it was magical, mesmerising and I want to shout (kindly 🤣) at every female I know to go and attend!
Thank you so much for creating this magic, it will quite literally change the world ❤️”
— Camilla, founder of GRL TRB
“Tonight was amazing! I feel so connected to my body! I feel sexy; I feel confident! Sharing the space with so many amazing women that were vulnerable and open just made me feel so fortunate and … lucky… to share the space with amazing women and celebrate womanhood and sisterhood. It was such an amazing experience; I am so grateful!”
— Kirsty, nutrition and wellness coach
“Wow! It was immense in the most profound and amazing ways! I’m still integrating, myself, to be perfectly honest with you. It was just such an honour to be in your presence and I just received such, such a powerful transmission and activation from you. My precious yoni and womb have just been receiving and integrating it all and landing those energies to the different archetypes within myself. I’m so, so grateful; I’m still just beaming, beaming, beaming from Saturday evening and I cannot wait to cross paths with you again and to be in your space again. It was super, super inspiring for me… just completely opened my channel and so much dropped in the next day, it was so, so beautiful. … I’m just filled with so much joy and light every time I think about Saturday. I can’t wait for your next offering or space; I’m already looking forward to it with so much excitement. I’m just craving another dose of the ultimate femme heaven again!”
— Genevieve
“It was a spiritual experience which is always fun! Cuddle piles and freedom and safety and all of those things we don’t tend to have. It was completely unique and I will earn enough money to come back and do it every day if I could.”
— Julia
“I sort of had an idea about what it was going to be but it absolutely exceeded my expectations. … I really do think every woman should go to something like this … and then go out into the world and walk around with this embodiment, walk around with this permission, walk around with this femininity. ”
— Orsi